Attitude to Live Life,જીવન જીવવાનો અભિગમ

Why is this with me? * WHY TO ME?
* Our reaction when there is sorrow in life !!!!! *
Why is this with me? * WHY TO ME? *
* Beautiful message from legendary Wimbledon player Arthur Ashe ... *
Arthur Ashe was diagnosed with the deadly disease 'cancer' due to infectious blood transfusions during his heart surgery and died tragically at the end of a long treatment.
* During his long treatment, he received thousands of letters daily from millions of his fans, one of whom wrote sadly in his letter, "Why did God choose you for such a bad illness?" *
* Then Arthur Ashe gave a beautiful answer to this fan of his ... *
In that world
- 20 million children dream of playing tennis!
- 5 million learn to play tennis!
- 5 lakh professional tennis learners!
- 50 thousandComes in circuits!
- 5 thousand reach Grand Slam!
- 50 arrives at Wimbledon!
- 4 Reaches the semifinals!
- 2 Reaches the finals!
- And in the end I won in the final !!!
* Now when I was standing holding the Wimbledon cup in my hand, I did not ask God for this achievement, why did God give this achievement to me? 'Why me?' WHY TO ME? *
And now when I am in this pain, how can I ask God: Why this pain in me? 'Why me?' WHY TO ME?
* Friends, such events happen in all our lives. When pleasant events occur, we do not ask God, 'Why me?' Then why do we ask God in sorrow: 'Why is this with me?' WHY TO ME
So when grief comes, think calmly that even though you are not satisfied with your life today, many people in this world dream of living a life like yours. Apart from the sorrow that has befallen you in your life today, other happiness has been given to you by God !!!
* So enjoy life without being moved by any sorrow ... enjoy life ... there will be a plan of God even behind such sorrow !!! *